Property ID#11045

Property Overview

Subdivision National Hills
City Augusta, GA
Style House
County Richmond
Listing Type Sleeper
Miles to Course 0.25 mi.
Property ID #11045
Bedrooms 3
Baths 2
Footage 1650.00 sq ft
Smoking Allowed No
Dining Seating 6
Breakfast Seating 2
Kitchen Bar Seating 0
Number of TVs 1
Largest Screen Size 45

Home Description

Walking Distance!!!! Home is located approximately three blocks from the main gate in a quiet residential neighborhood. The house has been completely remodeled and updated. The property resides behind the Fresh Market so convenient walking to shopping is available. The previous renter used the home seven years in a row and was very satisfied. The home is pet friendly for those who prefer to travel with their pets.

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