Property ID#15206

Property Overview

Style House
County Aiken
Listing Type Sleeper
Miles to Course 3.00 mi.
Property ID #15206
Bedrooms 10
Baths 8
Footage 4000.00 sq ft
Smoking Allowed No
Dining Seating 8
Breakfast Seating 2
Kitchen Bar Seating 2
Number of TVs 8
Largest Screen Size 55

Home Description

Revolutionary era Federal style house with Greek Revival era porches. 6 bedroom house with 6 bathrooms. 6 covered porches with rocking chairs and one outside TV. House is equipped with WiFi & Alexa for room to room communication. A modern guest house with modern amenities is attached to the site to offer an additional 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. A separate 1 bedroom 1 bath cottage will be available November 2024.

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