Property ID#16172

Property Overview

Subdivision Hudson Trace
City Augusta, GA
Style House
County Richmond
Listing Type Sleeper
Miles to Course 5.00 mi.
Property ID #16172
Bedrooms 2
Baths 2
Footage 1300.00 sq ft
Smoking Allowed No
Dining Seating 6
Breakfast Seating 4
Kitchen Bar Seating 0
Number of TVs 3
Largest Screen Size 60

Home Description

This a beautiful one-story brick home. The home is comprised of one family room, master bedroom, two extra rooms, one used for exercising and one used for lodging, relaxing on a full sofa, and computer use. The one car garage is available for use. Another attractive amenity is the screened in sunroom. Television locations are in the family room, the master bedroom, and the exercise room. The exercise room has weights, one treadmill and a television. The washer and dryer are located in the kitchen area, coming in from the garage. They may be used.

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